HEVI Equipment Qualifies for NJ Manufacturing Incentives

Announced on December 13, 2022, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) established the New Jersey Manufacturing Voucher Program (MVP). As a result, many New Jersey-based businesses are looking for environmentally conscious solutions to help their operations qualify for the incentives brought by these programs. With heavy equipment being a major component in manufacturing, and with diesel alone not qualifying…

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Maryland Welcomes HEVI’s First US Assembly Site!

On Tuesday, August 23rd, Baltimore County, Maryland, welcomed HEVI at the grand opening of our first assembly site. Speaking in his opening remarks, HEVI CEO Raymond Wang highlighted the company’s accomplishments.  “They said it couldn’t be done.  Yet, here we are today with these wonderful, wonderful pieces of equipment that are going to revolutionize job sites and construction sites across…

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